Essential ingredients for
adventurous customers.
Variety meats from Excel
With Excel Meats, you can seize the opportunity to get ahead of the pack with an extensive variety meat offering that meets your customers’ unique needs. Whether they’re for cherished traditional recipes or cutting-edge culinary creations, Excel Fresh Meats provides the essential ingredients your customers are looking for.
We offer two Multivac programs to meet the wide and varying needs of our customers. Ideal for grocery stores, our Multivac programs offer secure packaging that won’t leak in customers’ carts.
Excel Thaw ’N Sell
Our Thaw ’N Sell products allow retailers to freeze products for up to six months, greatly extending their shelf life. Perfect for planning ahead and saving on off-season soup and stew cuts. Available frozen only.
Variety meats
We offer branded solutions for customers seeking our multivac variety meat program, an answer for multicultural consumers.
Visit Rumba Meats
Small bag
Our small-bag variety meat products are vacuum-packed fresh, sent directly from our facilities, and require no repackaging. Products are available from several facilities nationwide, with a guaranteed 21-day shelf life.

Bulk options from Excel are the perfect choice for retailers and resellers. Separate the cuts for individual sale, or offer your customers bulk options for a better value.
Excel’s fresh options are perfect for large, immediate needs. They’re the best choice when your customers want meat ready to cook straight out of the package (and a lot of it).
Ideal for customers on a budget, frozen options from Excel offer greater flexibility and value. With a single purchase, your customers can stretch their meat purchase further.

For more information, contact your Cargill sales representative.
This adaptable, affordable cut comes from the facial cheek muscle of the animal.
Cross-Cut Hind Shank
The shank cross cut is flavorful and very tender when braised (pot roasted) or cooked in liquid (stewed). This cut also meets government guidelines for lean.
Feet of the cow, beef feet is used in many dishes such as menudo, broth and soups.
Located in the chest cavity, behind the ribcage, the heart is a lean, nutritious cut that’s best grilled.
Honeycomb Tripe
Honeycomb tripe is from the lining of the reticulum, which is the second stomach chamber, and is the main ingredient in many traditional ethnic dishes.
Inside Skirt
This versatile cut starts at the brisket end of the navel and extends into the flank area. It is perfect for fajitas or stir-fry.
The kidney is an organ located in the urinary system and is served best when seared, sautéed or braised.
Liver is a highly nutritious organ is located in the upper abdomen and goes well grilled in a wine sauce.
Marrow Bones
Bones from center part of the femur bone are cut into 1-inch portions and can be used to make cooking stock or an appetizer spread.
Outside Skirt
Located at an angle between the 12th and 6th ribs on the medial side of the navel, outside skirt is a foodservice solution that provides a flavor-rich value.
This popular cut for soups and stews comes from the tail of the animal.
Scalded Tripe
Scalded tripe is from the lining of the stomach and is used in many traditional soups and stews.
Short Ribs
Short ribs are slices from the 6th, 7th and 8th rib bones that go great on the grill and are popular in many different styles of cuisine, like Korean.
Suet is a flavorful, hard fat taken from the kidney area that’s used in pastry production and cooking oil.
This tender cut is obtained from the thymus and pancreas glands and is best when fried or seared.
Taken from the mouth of the cow, the tongue is best braised or smoked and can be used as a filling for tacos and sandwiches.
Tripas are sliced portions of the small intestines that serve as an affordable, alternative grilling cut.